Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Is Headache And Stiff Neck Sign Of Tonsillitis I Have Symptoms Like Stiff Neck, Head Ache, Slight Fever And White Patches On My Tonsils, What Could It Be?

I have symptoms like stiff neck, head ache, slight fever and white patches on my tonsils, what could it be? - is headache and stiff neck sign of tonsillitis

A few days ago I started a cough, but thought nothing of what I thought it was cold, but then I started with a sore throat and cough, sore throat. And in the last 3 nights I have trouble sleeping one night, which normally would have had no problems with it. I am also a little fever, but shakes his condition and has no heat, but it really touched me, because I really thought nothing of it.

Yesterday I noticed white patches on the throat and I said to my mother and they also make an appointment with the doctor today.

This morning I awoke with a stiff neck and headaches, but thought I was sleeping it was funny. But I have not mentioned, the doctor, but he seemed to think it was tinsillitis well and gave me penicillin. I am now in question might be somewhat different, because they seem to be signs of meningitis.


Ilovemyk... said...

Sounds like a sore throat What is it?

have been many times, many, I know sucks, eat ice cream or helps.Doctor popcicles, the most likely prescribe some antibiotics and gargling with warm salt water.

sfw said...

It is not his tinsillitis tonsillitis. It is the acute and chronic .....

In the same and more is with meningitis. These are not signs, but symptoms of meningitis?

Trust your doctor.

NoSoup4U said...

I do not think that could be meningitis sore throat or tonsillitis, both can be treated with ammoxicilline (sp?)

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